Lokanadham Nalla ئاپەکان

Java Quiz 1.3
Lokanadham Nalla
Java Programming Quiz app with online exam simulation -> Testyour Java skills across different sections starting from Level-1 toLevel-3. -> It helps to test your Java Skills across Javasections. It also helps in Java certification (SCJP) exampreparation. -> Choose number of questions, time in minutes,Level of test and finally select interested Java section beforestaring the Test. -> Test questions can be swiped left and rightand choose correct answer till the completion of the time limitset. -> Result with verification of allcorrect/wrong/unattempted questions. Tags: Java, Quiz, learn java,test java,
Inspirational Quotes 1.4
Lokanadham Nalla
Inspirational Quotes and Motivational Quotes with Quote of the daynotification When things get hard, many people turn to amotivational quote for a bit of inspiration. This app displayssimple and inspirational quotes each in a single page. More quotescan be viewed by swiping left or right on screen, Notifications canbe set in Settings screen for how frequently the notificationshould display and at what time. This app randomly picks up theQuote from a vast list and sends notification as Quote of the day.Share your favorite Quote with friends and family. Share the App ifit helps to your family and friends. Rate the App if you like it.
Love Quotes 1.2
Lokanadham Nalla
Love Quotes with Quote of the day notificationLove quotes app has a collection of Love and Peace Quotes insimple display format.Swipe left/right to watch more love quotes.Notifications can be set for everyday or every mentioned number ofdays.Use Settings panel to set the Notification time and frequency.It notifies with a randomly picked quote every mentioned day andtime.Everyday quote always helps you to control your self and gives youpeace of mind.
Birthday Reminder 1.7
Lokanadham Nalla
Reminder with ready to use Birthday wishes and Wedding anniversarymessages for friends, family, colleagues and others. Features: 1.Add a reminder with name and date* by selecting a category of theperson he belongs to (Family/Friends /Colleague/Others) 2. The appreminds through a notification according to the time set in theSettings screen. 3. Displays Today's reminders along with allcategory reminders. 4. No need to type Birthday wishes or MarriageAnniversary messages, just select a message from preset of wishmessages by choosing the relation of the target person and justshare the message. 5. Import contacts from Phone Contacts which arehaving Date of Birth. All such contacts are stored in Others Tab.6. Search Contacts and select to Share birthday wishes. Note: *Date can be in the format of DD/MM (or) DD/MM/YYYY.
Matching Game - Numbers 1.0
Lokanadham Nalla
Kids Numbers learning appIt has two columns for matching.=> First column with numbers from 1 to 10.=> Second column with number of apples.First choose a number from first column and thenchoosecorresponding number of apples in the second column. Ithighlightswith correct and incorrect popup messages with wrong andapplaudsounds making learning numbers fun for kids.
School Kids Math Questions 1.1
Lokanadham Nalla
Math App is for School Kids who canpracticebasic maths and improve math skills.It provides facility to choose number of questions and timeinminutes for exam like simulation.You can also choose questions from following sectionsAdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivisionBODMAS rulesRoman NumeralsDecimalsLCM and GCDMiscellaneous.There are 3 levels of questions starting from Level-1 toLevel-3increasing the complexity of the questions.Once the exam is started, you can choose an option out of4optional answers.Exam will end as soon as Submit button is pressed orspecifiedtime is elapsed.The exam result can be viewed on the next screen.There is an option to verify the answersforcorrect/wrong/unanswered questions.Exam can be restarted once the answers are verified.Note: Time Ticker sound can be enabled or disabledbeforestarting the exam
Time Table 1.5.4
Lokanadham Nalla
Time Table app helps to schedule school children daily time tablewith subjects. Features: 1) Time Table app creates 7 Periods withstart time 10AM with Period Length 45 Minutes for week daysstarting from Monday to Saturday. 2) 'Unlock' to update the timetable with Subjects, Periods, Timings and Week Days. 3) Dynamicallyappend/remove Periods. 4) Modify Start and End days of the WeekDynamically. 5) Modify Start Time and Period Lengths by clicking onPeriod Number. 6) Lock the Time Table and use it. 7) 'Help' todisplay the usage of the Time Table. 8) Enable notifications withfollowing device sounds on start of periods. Notification AlarmRingtone No Sound
School Kids Quiz Questions 2.1.0
Lokanadham Nalla
- School Kids Quiz questions will test General Knowledge skills forstudents from Class-3 to Class-8. - It has more than 4500questions, which helps to test your general knowledge - It alsohelps for all school level competitive exam preparations. - Chooseclass of test before starting the Quiz. - You have option to choosenumber of questions and time in minutes in Settings panel. - Youhave option to choose categories for the quiz questions. - AnswerQuiz questions till the completion of the time limit set or Clickon Submit button if you finished ahead of time. - Result in aDetailed Pie Chart with correct/wrong/unattempted number ofquestions and its percentages along with time taken to complete thetest. - Result can be verified for all correct/wrong/unattemptedquestions. - Restart the Quiz and enjoy General Knowledge for KidsApp.
Top Colleges in USA 1.4
Lokanadham Nalla
List Of Top Colleges and Universities in USA for differentcategories 1. List of Best Value Colleges. 2. List of Top Colleges3. List of Top Business Schools 4. List of Top International MBA 1year Colleges 5. List of Top International MBA 2 year Colleges. TheApp provides basic fields like College rank, name, location, costof education, student population and GMAT Score required forBusiness Schools. More details of the college can be viewed uponclicking on the list to open the respective college and universityweb site. Note: All the rankings are based on Forbes Ranking forthe year 2015 and 2016.
BSNL Exam - JTO 1.3
Lokanadham Nalla
This Question set is highly important for upcoming departmentalexaminations in 2017 as well as direct recruited people in BSNL,NTPC, HAL, SAIL ,BEL, ONGC, IOCL, IOC, CIL & many more emergingPSU companies both for Diploma and Degree holders. Most of thequestions hold conceptual and theoretical analysis of subjectswhich strengthen the ideology on subject.
Task Scheduler 1.0
Lokanadham Nalla
Task Scheduler app is used for schedulingdailyand weekly tasks by specifying task start time and tasklengthOptionally It will send notifications upon starting ofthetask.
US History Quiz 1.1
Lokanadham Nalla
US History Quiz App has 3 levels of USHistoryand General Knowledge questions to test with the option ofchoosingnumber of questions and time required.Exam will complete upon specified time elapsed or by explicitSUBMITbutton.Upon completion of the Quiz test, it shows the Test results andallthe quiz questions and answers can be verifiedforvalidation.Exam like simulation of this Android app helps you to test yourUSHistory Skills.Happy Quiz Time !!!
Restaurant Menu 1.4
Lokanadham Nalla
Order food from Restaurant Table or from Hotel Room is simple.Note:For a dedicated Online Food Delivery App, Go to@https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.newthoughts.fooddeliveryRestaurantMenu app can be used on Phone/Tablet7/Tablet10 toreplace a papermenu. The customer order will be sent in xls sheetto recipientemail ids specified by admin. Default Admin Username:.admin DefaultAdmin Password:. password Admin can do following 1.ChangeRestaurant Name 2. Change senders email id and password. 3.Changereceivers email ids (comma separated). 4. Change TableNumber orHotel Room Number. 5. Change Waiter Name. 6. ApplyDiscount percentvalue 7. Apply Tax1/Tax2/Tax3 Labels and itscorresponding percentvalues. 8. Change Home Background Image 9.Change password 10.Create a new Menu and its Items 11. Modifyexisting Menu and itsItems 12. Import Menu Items from a JSON filein the followingformat. { "RestaurantMenu": [ { "category":"VegCurries", "items": [{ "name":"Palak Paneer", "price": "140" }, {"name":"Mix Veg Curry","price": "180.00" } ] }, {"category":"Non-Veg Curries", "items": [{ "name":"Chicken Fry","price": "160.00" }, { "name":"Chicken 65","price": "155.00" }, {"name":"Egg Curry", "price": "65.75" } ] } ]} Note: 1. Tosend/receive emails from this app, you need to enableyour emailaccount settings to allow email from app option. GmailExamplesettings: My Account => Sign-in & security =>SecurityCheck-up => Disable Access for Less Secure Apps =>choose'Turn on'. 2. Make sure to change senders email id, passwordandrecipients email ids before start making Orders.
Expiry Manager
Lokanadham Nalla
Expiry Manager is a tiny and easy to use app that helps allthesmall individual store owners (who sell Pharmacy, Food Items,etc)save their stock of product information with its expiry dates.Ithelps to view the list of expiring soon or already expiredproductswith following different options to view. Expiring in next3 monthsExpiring in next 6 months Expiring in next 12 monthsExpiredproducts All listed products. The App has options for Storeownersto add/edit/delete product details. Search functionality isalsoavailable. Note: This is an early version of the product,pleaseuse and provide improvements needed in a mail or by reviewcommentsto improve the app so that it would be helpful to the most.WithBest wishes!
Kids Quiz 1.0.3
Lokanadham Nalla
Kids Quiz App has 45 levels of General Knowledge Quiz. Each Quizhas5 Questions and time allocated for each question fordifferentlevels are as follows. Level-1 to Level-15 --> 20secondsLevel-16 to Level-30 --> 30 seconds Level-31 to Level-45-->40 seconds Review the wrong answers at the end of the Quiz.
Ancestry - Family Tree 3.3.2
Lokanadham Nalla
Ancestry in dynamic family tree view
Spiritual Quotes
Lokanadham Nalla
Spiritual Quotes with Quote of the day notification